After switching its annual Summit conference to an online event, Adobe is now also pulling out of NAB 2020. The reason is the same and it was probably expected: the coronavirus outbreak.
According to Pro Video Coalition, Adobe has started notifying partners about the decision. I checked Adobe Blog, but there’s no public announcement yet. In the emails sent out to the partners, Adobe writes:
If you’ve been following the situation over the past few days, you know that Adobe isn’t the first or the only company canceling its presence at NAB 2020. Nikon and AJA Video Systems made the same announcements last week, and honestly, I expect more companies to do the same. For now, NAB 2020 is still scheduled to take place between 18 and 22 April, but who knows what can happen until then. For example, The Photography Show was rescheduled for September only a few days before it was supposed to begin. So, we’ll keep an eye on the situation and we’ll keep you posted. [via Pro Video Coalition]