Sometimes, if we’re lucky, we shoot an image that takes on a life of its own. It becomes bigger than just us or our circle of friends and clients. That’s what happened to New York based Italian photographer Michele Palazzo. Winter Storm Jonas allowed photographers to capture some amazing imagery. One particularly striking shot was Pallazo’s photograph of the Flatiron Building in NYC. He recently spoke at B&H to give some insight into how his life has changed since the image went viral.

These are the highlights from Pallazo’s talk, condensed down into this 11 minute video.

Palazzo gives an interesting account of the day itself, which probably went much like many other people in NYC that day. But there was a point where he felt he was watching something beautiful and magic. So, he raised the camera and started shooting. After arriving home to look through the images, he chose to post one to Instagram, 500px and EyeEm. Pallazo stresses the importance of hashtags if you want people to find your work easily. And find it they did. He was contacted by Colossal, a site he’d not heard of before, to ask if they could get some insight. Naturally, thrilled to have his work featured and put in front of hundreds of thousands of people, he agreed.

With over 150,000 shares, the post on Colossal soon set his work in front of the media’s eyes. The next to feature his work was The Telegraph. It was then picked up by almost every photography, art and general “wow, look at this photo!” website on the planet. It’s a fascinating story, and well worth watching. Listening to his experience arms us with a little more information in the event that we create something the world deems worthy of seeing. If you want to skip the highlights and watch the whole thing, B&H have also posted that.

It is a fantastic image, and it’s one of those “right place, right time” things you can’t really plan for. You can only go out, and hope that you get something great.

A post shared by Michele Palazzo ? (@streetfauna) You can find out more about Michele Palazzo on his website or follow his work on Instagram. As for the Flatiron Building photograph, well you can hang that one on your wall for as little as $1,250. What do you think? Will you be buying a Limited Edition aluminium print? Or, do you prefer another image from Winter Storm Jonas? Did you shoot some of your own? Let us know in the comments. [via ISO1200]